
25/11/2020 Admin 0 Nhận xét


                                                        BEŞLER MAKARNA
Beşler Makarna (Beşsan Makarna Gıda San. ve Tic. A.Ş.) was founded on 5 July 2004 as an investment of Beşler Grup in macaroni sector, which is also operational in oil, starch/glucose and feed sectors as well as the biggest flour plant of Turkey.
Beşler Makarna plants founded in Gaziantep Başpınar 1st Organized Industry Zone consist of a closed area 18.500 m2 on 37.960 m2 area.
With a daily production capacity of 380 tones, it is one of the biggest macaroni producers in our country.
Beşler Makarna, which is among the biggest 1000 export firms of Turkey, carries out export to about 100 countries to a large extent and conducts production with the trademark of the customers from time to time apart from its own trademarks such as Santa Sophia, Beşler, Beşler Glutensiz, Pastacity and Gonca. Also, production of macaroni cookie is carried out under the trademark of Kıtlax in our plants. 
The macaroni produced from 100% hard durum wheat in our computerized production plants is controlled by the experts before and after the process. The products passing through laboratory controls in every process are packaged according to international standards and in hygienic conditions and presented to the taste of the consumers. Beşler Makarna, which is aware of its responsibility to the consumer, feels the right proud of carrying out its operations in accordance with ISO 9000 Quality Management System and ISO:22000 Food Safety Management system and offering the consumers the best.


02439262023 0943888058

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